version 00-02-38+ (14th Nov 2007)
version 00-02-13+ (29 Sept 2007) first version of SourceForge release summaries of changes
- new base action (custom behaviour format)
- new base forces (custom force format) TODO: past log changes
version 00-01-23+ EXPERIMENTAL (Should not compile)
- template class mvItemList
- mvWorld_V2 world instance
- new behaviour creation functions
- new inheritable mvBaseBehaviour superclass
version 00-01-22
- debugging flag changes
- added new README files
version 00-01-21
- add more lua script loading functions
- changed naming conventions
- added more documentation
- changed/added/merged enumerations in mvEnums.h
version 00-01-20
- changed libmvMotionAI to libmvMotion-mingw.a
- added more Doxygen documentation
- checked updated Code::Blocks workspace
version 00-01-19
- added more readme .txt files in include-other, lib-other, lib, bin
version 00-01-18
- added ubuntu Code::Blocks project options
- added ubuntu dapper drake i386 example applications
version 00-01-17
- implemented more set and get functionality for
- mvWorld
- mvBody
- mvObstacle
- mvGroup
- mvGroupBehaviour
- mvBehaviour
- changed magic lua pop index numbers for named constants for debugging purposes
- implement world nudge body + lua functions
- implemented Lua equivalent functions for set/get functions
- updated MVC6 workspace : some errors (behaviours not operating correctly)
- TODO : pathway functions
version 00-01-16
- enumeration mvEnum split into 3 different enumeration types
- mvParamEnum - parameter query enum type for retrieving / setting values
- mvErrorEnum - error return values
- mvOptionEnum - state and type values
- update function type
- updated sample programs for new enumerations
version 00-01-15
- added MIT licenses to headers and source files
- added + implemented, Lua support functions, application in headers & sources, Code::Blocks project files, shows a list of implemented Lua functions.
- added an executable for mvMotionAI types.
- added documentation.
- added Log.txt
version 00-01-14
- Code::Blocks with MinGW workspace and application projects files now included.
- New script file Flee.lua shows body moving away from target.
- MinGW application, mvMotion-mingw.exe included (WIN XP, openGL, glut, Lua, AMD XP).
- Lua headers/library files for MinGW included.
version 00-01-13
- example GLmain.h simplified to show how to integrate mvMotionAI into an application
- added new example lua scrip called 'Seek.lua' to the bin directory
- removed mvWorld's header dependency on Utilities.h (OpenSteer)
version 00-01-12
- first repository copy of mvMotionAI on
- other way to commit stuff to source forge
- Moved files remotely to backup (Collision.cpp,GLTest.cpp) as they contains CVS tags
- Removed header file/folders in include-other
- Removed library file/folder in
- Vec3.h/.cpp & Utilities.h moved to backup
- obsolete
- bin (binaries) contains sample program, mvMotionAI.exe
version 00-01-11
- reorganized workspace into src, include, bin, miscinclude-other, lib-other
- near ready for source forge
- created/renamed folder to examples-src
- moved headers files into include directory
- creating library directory lib-other (For Lua & GLUT) & lib (mvMotionAI)
- Created folder misc remotely for various files
- source files moved remotely into src dir
version 00-01-10
- added debug flags to remove output
- added group behaviours set parameters
- added mvMotionAI's function mvApplyToAllWorlds.
version 00-01-08 (incomplete)
- modifying group behaviour variables can be changed
- system should not compile (due group beahviour function changes)
- figuring out a possible header file & format for the superclass behaviour
- after completing setting changes for group behaviour, submit it to source forge
version 00-01-07
- mvSetParamteri, mvSetCurrentParameteri declared and initialised
- MV_BEHAVIOUR_WAYPOINT_TARGET options are possible
- mvSetDefaultBehaviourFactorForBody, mvSetDefaultBehaviourFactorForCurrentBody declared and initialised
- associated scrip functions now declared and initialised
version 00-01-06
- important changes to source code
- all data types are now using settings declared in mvMotionAI-Types.h
- mvVec3 has superseded OpenSteer's Vec3 as vector class in Motion AI, therefore Vec3 is now redundant.
- Simple Flock Behaviour is found to be incorrect. The separation part of the flocking is the main reason.
- Next step is to variable adjust of behaviours at least for the following behaviours
version 00-01-05s (VERSION FROZEN until group behaviour task completed)
- added new types headers mvMotionAI-Types.h
- created new class called mvVec3 (mvVec3.cpp, mvVec3.h) to replace Vec3
- modified executable GLMain.cpp
- modified simple flock behaviour
- GOAL to version 00-01-05+
- allow variables changes to behaviour, group behaviour,
- allow most fine tuning to behaviour list
- web based SVN storage
- finish behaviours flee, evade, pursuit, seek, clone, simple flock.
version 00-01-05r (VERSION FROZEN)
- global behaviours work
- bug : Need to be able to change variables
group behaviours work
- bug : need to correct simple flock behaviour
- personal behaviours work
- system works POSSIBLE bugs
- return pointer are not correct for most classes
- check forces
version 00-01-05q (VERSION FROZEN)
- working on group behaviours lua script functions
- need to work out the changing parameters for group, shared behaviours
version 00-01-05p (VERSION FROZEN)
- system executable works
- progress : implementing group behaviours
- simple flock
version 00-01-05o (VERSION FROZEN)
- iterator & system executable now work
- SEEK, FLEE, PURSUIT now work
- group behaviour incomplete
- changes to mvBehaviour-Type.cpp
version 00-01-05n (VERSION FROZEN)
- executable now works
- bug in seek variable / set waypoints
- script code changes
version 00-01-05m (VERSION FROZEN)
- behaviour list changes/ header file missing
- group behaviour
- integrator changed to allow new changes
version 00-01-05l (VERSION FROZEN)
- implemented mvBehaviour, and started working on mvGroupBehaviour.
- simple flock algorithm sort of finished
- system/library still does not work
version 00-01-05k (VERSION FROZEN)
- added new code behaviour list node, list, type.h
- system still does not works
Version 00-01-05j (VERSION FROZEN)
- added simple flock files, mvBehaviour-SimpleFlock.cpp & .h
- added implementation of simple flock group and singular body
- system still does not work
- behaviour list is changed, moved around functions.
Version 00-01-05i (VERSION FROZEN)
- Moving target, waypoint, body get and set functions to mvBehaviour-Entry Code still doesn't work
Version 00-01-05h (VERSION FROZEN)
- Declared header files for behaviour list node, group behaviour nodes
- Modified (mv) group behaviour, behaviour, behaviour list to use behaviour entry, System still does not work
Version 00-01-05g (VERSION FROZEN)
Version 00-01-05f (VERSION FROZEN)
- created/finished class code for mvGroupBehaviour.cpp
Version 00-01-05e (VERSION FROZEN)
- Added lua script support for add body to group , remove body from group
- Initialised mvGroupBehaviour.h to add grouped body for easier group behaviour.
version 00-01-05d (VERSION FROZEN)
- Created Behaviour Entry, Behaviour Node, and mvBehaviour-Type
- The system is not working at this moment to allow group (boids) behaviours version 00-01-05c (VERSION FROZEN)
- Added limits to maximum velocity and the possible change in velocity per frame to world integrator
- Added initialiseFloats to keep initial mvBody variables constant over 2 constructors
- Pursuit behaviour now averages the past velocity to minimise jittering between frames
version 00-01-05b (VERSION FROZEN)
- Added pursuit behaviour to system now affect the body velocity instead of acceleration
version 00-01-05a (VERSION FROZEN)
- Commit new changes - pursuit and complete clone
version 00-01-04 27/6/06
- added pursuit & clone behaviour
version 00-01-03 21/6/06
- split enums and their string into header and source file.
- added processing to behaviours with central function : mvProcessBodyBehaviours
- added lua functions for get, remove waypoint functions
- added lua functions for get, remove, add waypoint, add to body functions
- split enums and their string into header and source file.
- iterator has now working behaviours
- added behaviour list to mvBody class
- now using index values instead of pointers, finally implemented two beahviours SEEK and FLEE,
version 00-01-05 (27/6/06) - 00-01-14 (21/09/06)
- added mvMotionAI to
- behaviour framework is made up of individual behaviours, global behaviour and global group behaviours
- Code::Blocks IDE workspaces included with MSVC++ 6 workspace
- Source code in src, headers in include, dependencies in lib-other & include-other, examples included in example-src, misc files in misc, documentation in docs,
- more log entries inside Log.txt
version 00-01-04 27/6/06
- added pursuit & clone behaviour
version 00-01-03 21/6/06
- split enums and their string into header and source file.
- added processing to behaviours with central function
- mvProcessBodyBehaviours
- added lua functions for get, remove waypoint functions
- added lua functions for get, remove, add waypoint, add to body functions
- split enums and their string into header and source file.
- iterator has now working behaviours
- added behaviour list to mvBody class
- now using index values instead of pointers, finally implemented two beahviours SEEK and FLEE,
version 00-01-02 31/5/06
- removing groups from system until better solution arrives.
version 00-01-01 24/5/06
- Massive overhaul of class names and functions
- Should progress into creating the first actual behaviour types. Behaviours types likely to be added shortly are CLONE, SEEK, FLEE and PATH FOLLOWING & started work to accommediate SEEK, FLEE, CLONE & FOLLOW PATH support functions
version 00-01-00 22/5/06
- rename mWorld into mvWorld, allowed forces and groups
- initialised behaviours
- renamed Obstacles into mvObstacle
- renamed particles and vehicles, grouped them into a group under the name of mvBody.
- renamed target to mvWaypoint.
- renamed pathways to mvPathway
- Headers file : Template functions are hard to split
- initialised forces
- initialised groups
- new naming conventions - mv(blah)
version 00-00-08 9/3/06
- Currently adding a new class; a immediate class called Target to build relationship (i.e behaviour with various objects)
version 00-00-07 9/3/06
- initialised Target Object
version 00-00-06 6/3/06
- initialised particle
- add particles and various modifiers to script
- adding (hopefully) a temporary Particle array and to mWorld so I can prototype behaviour early.
version 00-00-05 3/3/06
- vehicle : intergration for motion.
- adding basic intergrater (Improved Euler) to m world.
- introducing shapes in obstacle
- adding motion variables modifiers
version 00-00-04 22/02/06
- Separated MotionAI to allow multiple instances
- Hopefully created a overall central module and many world objects
- added world ID variable
- split central motionAI to world components
version 00-00-03 14/2/06
- declared Pathway class
- created simple array of waypoints which can be loaded in by scripts
- declared single function loadLuaScriptFunctions to make code more modular and less dependant.
- move script function prototypes out of header file into source code
version 00-00-02 8/2/06
- separated obstacle and vehicle into their own header and source files
- separated from MotionAI.h, created new header and source file.
- Script : declared beginPathway and endPathWay
version 00-00-01 7/2/06
- created header file based on Opensteer
- created a overall AI module called MotionAI
- stubs of vehicles and obstacles
- To use library, declare global instance of aiModule.
- introduced Vec3 and Utilities from OpenSteer into project
- Script.h & .cpp : created file
- added scripting language to MotionAI
- loads lua script files and adds vehicles and obstacles
- created file for all headers need in MotionAI module
Generated on Wed Nov 14 17:04:58 2007 for mvMotionAI by